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Pure Grace Records

Original Songs

It's Only A Shadow

In the aftermath of losing a close friend and mentor to cancer, this anthem was born.  As Scriptures about death came to mind, I realized that the 23rd Psalm referred to the valley that we walk through as being the valley of the "shadow" of death.  Shadows are not real.  Natural death is only a shadow, it is not real, spiritual death alone is real.  In the Bible, there are lots of types and shadows meaning things in the natural which represent spiritual realities (i.e. sacrificial lamb representing Jesus' sacrificial death).  As I meditated on this, I realized that the grief and heartache that we experience because of the temporary separation of natural death is the same grief and heartache that the Heavenly Father experiences when He is separated from His creation - His children, because of spiritual death.  When we grieve, mourn, anguish, we are tasting the heart of the Heavenly Father and what He feels by being separated from His children.

I Can Through Christ

When this song came to me, I thought I was plagiarizing an existing song because it sounded like a song that I had always known.  This song came to me during a season where the limits of my body were being put to the test daily.  I had the fortunate opportunity to live in a Women's Discipleship Home which was run militaristically, like a spiritual boot camp.  Nights were short, meals were limited, labor was aplenty.  We used to wash blocks of 500 cars at a local car auction in the middle of the night.  It was during one such night when this song was birthed.  I began singing the Scripture "I can do all things through Christ" and then the second and third verses were also written by Scriptures.  This song got me through that long and laborious night and has joyously gotten me through many other days and nights.

Todo Lo Puedo En Cristo
(I Can Through Christ in Spanish)

Unforced Rhythms of Grace

This song was written by request after a previous song.  A friend of mine asked me to write a song using the Scriptures Matthew 11:28-30.  The request was to use the wording from The Message translation where the translation reads so poetically "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."

Galatians 2:20

This is the first song I ever wrote and it was written as I was teaching myself how to play the guitar.  It is both special to me for that reason but more importantly for the message the song is communicating.  Galatians 2:20 is my favorite Scripture and it is so important to me and my story because it helped usher in my baptism of the Holy Spirit experience as well as a fuller understanding of the gospel.  Until this experience, my Christian life was consumed with "I" need to pray more, "I" need to love better, "I" need to serve more, "I", "I", "I"... and then Galatians 2:20 let me know that "I" is dead!  Christ in me is now my Life and He doesn't need any improving upon.  By faith, I let Him live His Life through me!

Pure Grace Unlimited

We are excited to connect with you today!  Please reach out to us with any questions or interests and we'll look forward to connecting with you!


Phone: (719) 439-7717

Address: PO Box 9586,

Pueblo, CO 81008

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